"I don't suppose you sell....?" is a question I get asked a lot. The next thing I usually hear is "That's great. I wouldn't have thought a boat shop would have stocked that". Cue another satisfied customer. Of course, many people who come to us are boat owners but a growing number are local peole who pop in on the off chance that we can save them a trip into B and Q when all they want is some paint, a length of chain or just some glue.
A large selection of chandlery is stocked, including yachting knives, life jackets, sail repair kits, anchors, epoxy glue, marine grease, rigging screws, thimbles, paddles, oars, all kinds of hose and piping, sail numbers, fenders, batteries and chargers - even boats!
Weatherproof paint and varnish in a range of colours and finishes, rope of different grades and cut to order, chain, Calor gas, gas fittings, shackles, carbine hooks, nuts and bolts, paintbrushes, rollers, block and tackle, pulleys, stainless steel rigging, wet and dry sandpaper, glue, polish, ducting, hose etc..
We stock an extensive range of marine rope: dyneema polyester, synthetic hemp, braid, braid on braid, three strand and octiplait rope. Some types are eminently suitable as decorative homeware (rope balustrades, for example) and all can be cut to your requirements. Splicing service also available.